

Continuously Pursuing World's No.1 Quality
Doctor's Choice

Doctor's Choice was founded with the aim of becoming the world's number one quality supplement manufacturer and realizing this vision. Our mission is to directly reach those who seek the world's highest quality supplements. Furthermore, our motto is rooted in the belief that 'Customer dissatisfaction is not our intention.'

This is Doctor's Choice's unwavering philosophy.

By watching this video until the end, you can understand the reasons behind our 90-day return guarantee policy that we offer. This guarantee is not just a mere slogan; it's designed to provide you with genuine peace of mind when trying our products. Please feel free to give Doctor's Choice products a try.

In the first chapter of the video, we explain the reasons for Doctor's Choice's establishment in the United States. In the second chapter, we delve into the background leading to our mission of 'delivering the world's No.1 quality supplements directly to those seeking them' and our motto of 'Customer dissatisfaction is not our intention.' We also provide detailed explanations about the reasons for introducing the 90-day return guarantee policy.

At Doctor's Choice, we are committed to maintaining our philosophy of continuously pursuing the world's best quality.




Chapter 1

Reason for Doctor's Choice Establishment in the United States - Supplements



When we went to doctors, we were told, 'Supplements don't work,' and all that remained was regret over purchasing those supplements.

Being in this industry now, it's clear that the components in the supplements we were taking back then wouldn't have improved our conditions. However, as a regular consumer at the time, I didn't realize this.

In the market, there are manufacturers who skillfully use popular celebrities and characters, flood the media with commercials, and induce impulse buying. Why is it necessary to use popular celebrities? It's a simple question. 


I used to work at a major beer manufacturer in the past.

I used to work at a major beer manufacturer in the past.

There is a subsidiary that sells Tanaka Shuichi supplements. I had the chance to speak with employees from that company. It seems that when developing products, the first thing they decide is the selling price. What price range will make it sell? How much cost can be allocated to sell within that price range? Based on this, they determine the ingredients and quantities.

Is it really possible to create a truly good supplement using such a process? It's a difficult task to find truly high-quality supplements amidst the market flooded with products like these.

Driven by the desire to create a market where customers can easily and confidently choose high-quality supplements, Doctor's Choice was founded. To achieve that, it's essential to be the 'world's number one quality supplement manufacturer.' So, how can one become the world's number one?"
So, this is where we arrived at the decision to establish our company in the United States. The United States is a supplement powerhouse and is considered an advanced nation in this field. But why?

The primary reason is the high cost of healthcare. It's unbelievably high. As a consequence, insurance premiums are also steep. I can share a concrete example from my own experience.

About 10 years ago, my son had both influenza and a skin condition, and we had him examined by two doctors. The total bill exceeded a staggering one million yen. Thanks to our health insurance, it came down to around 300,000 yen, but that's still a hefty amount. The insurance company covered about 700,000 yen. This demonstrates how expensive healthcare insurance is in America.

Furthermore, the number one cause of bankruptcy in the United States is 'inability to pay medical expenses.'

Naturally, this has led to the development of the concept of 'preventive medicine' in the United States.

In the US, numerous clinical trials concerning supplements are conducted daily, and doctors are constantly studying and researching in this area. When you visit a doctor, depending on the severity of your condition, instead of immediately prescribing medication, they often advise on what kind of supplements might be beneficial.

Naturally, new ingredients are discovered daily. There are many cutting-edge components that can only be sourced in the United States, and we determined that achieving the world's number one quality would be impossible without manufacturing in the US.

Doctor's Choice Mission & Motto

In Chapter 2, We will explain the background that led to our mission of 'delivering the world's number one quality supplements directly to those seeking them' and our motto of 'Customer dissatisfaction is not our intention.' We will also discuss the reasons behind introducing the 90-day return guarantee policy

Supplements Differ from Pharmaceuticals

As the saying goes, 'organic and medicinal foods are of the same origin,' and it's not an exaggeration to say that our bodies are made up of what we consume.

Having a well-balanced organic diet is crucial. Additionally, when you want to improve or prevent certain symptoms, you can take advantage of the benefits of supplements by consuming foods, herbs, and ingredients that are effective for those purposes. This allows you to improve or prevent symptoms fundamentally without side effects.

To get the necessary components, you would need to consume a large amount of certain foods or herbs. However, it's not always feasible to consume specialized herbs in significant quantities.

This is where supplements can be helpful. That's why the combination of ingredients is important, but the dosage is even more critical.

Not only the ingredients used by Doctor's Choice, but also the difference in dosages, can help you understand the quality of our products when compared to others. Please consider comparing and understanding the superiority of our quality.


Thanks to your support, Doctor's Choice has received high praise.

However, we believe that merely producing and selling products won't truly serve our customers.

By directly delivering the world's number one quality supplements to people struggling with various symptoms, we aim to establish a direct connection with our customers. We want to understand the results of their consumption—what worked well, what didn't, whether there were effects or not, and if not, is there anything else we can do to help address their concerns? It's important to be as close as possible to our customers.

Establishing a direct connection with customers and providing world-class customer service is equally vital in our eyes. This is one of the significant reasons why Doctor's Choice is committed to direct sales instead of wholesale.

We founded Doctor's Choice with the desire not to subject our customers to the same experience my family and I had – wasting not only money but also time on subpar supplements. As mentioned earlier, supplements don't work the same way for everyone.

At Doctor's Choice, we have a strong commitment to help as many people suffering from various symptoms as possible. We thoroughly analyze the results of clinical trials and develop high-quality supplements that can genuinely deliver expected results.

However, unfortunately, even with the creation of the world's number one quality supplements, it's impossible to satisfy every single individual. People have different conditions and constitutions.

Thus, Doctor's Choice has established its corporate philosophy.

Our mission
is not only to 'deliver the world's number one quality supplements to those seeking them,' but also to hold a strong motto:
'Customer dissatisfaction is not our intention.'

Furthermore, we make the following promise: a 90-day return guarantee.


Promise 1
If you are not satisfied with the product or its effects, we will accept returns. Within 90 days of purchase, you can return each product once, for up to one unit. Even if you have used the entire product, it's still acceptable for return. If you have any dissatisfaction with the product, rest assured that we will never deny your return request.
As I mentioned earlier, no matter how high-quality the supplement is, it's not possible for it to have 100% effectiveness for everyone. This is because everyone's constitution and symptoms differ.
In such cases, should customers be left with a disadvantage in this industry? Could it be that due to such circumstances, there's a constant stream of vendors selling "subpar supplements"?
Can we simply dismiss the issue with "I had bad luck with this supplement"?
At the core of business activities is the idea of "making customers happy."
Doctor's Choice's motto, "Customer dissatisfaction is not our intention," embodies this principle.


Promise 2
Even if you find a supplement of higher quality than Doctor's Choice and wish to switch to it, please feel free to return it.
Doctor's Choice consistently pursues being the world's number one in quality. During the development of our products, we thoroughly research other supplements on the market, and based on clinical trials, we develop high-quality supplements that are unmatched anywhere.
Information about supplement manufacturers offering higher quality products than Doctor's Choice is just as valuable to us as our customers' dissatisfaction.
On the application form, please provide information about the manufacturer and product name that you believe to be of higher quality than Doctor's Choice, and explain which aspects of that product are superior. Also, let us know the reasons you would consider switching to that manufacturer's product in the future.


What do you think?
Doctor's Choice is sincerely dedicated to the pursuit of being the world's number one in quality. We prioritize serving our customers and ensuring their satisfaction. We are not a company that ignores customer dissatisfaction. Have you gained an understanding of this?

When we introduced this policy, there were concerns within the company about the possibility of customers abusing it. While it's true that such cases do exist, they only occur around once or twice every few years. The reason for this is likely the high quality of customers who seek out Doctor's Choice.

We, the staff, are always grateful to have the opportunity to interact with such wonderful customers.

Lastly, to avoid any misunderstandings, I want to clarify that I am by no means negating the importance of "medications." I, myself, have benefited from prescribed medications multiple times. In my younger years, I had asthma. Without medication, I believe I wouldn't be alive today.

By effectively balancing the use of supplements and medications, our motto "Stay Healthy Until the End" reflects Doctor's Choice's commitment to supporting you. We promise to continue our efforts to be of service to you in the future.