90 day Money back Guarantee

・Requirements to meet

・About return price



 Doctor's Choice 90 day Money back Guarantee

Regarding the refund

After checking the return form, we will refund you via PayPal within 7 business days from the date of confirmation. We will notify you by email when the transfer is complete.

Doctor's Choice 90 day Money back Guarantee
Frequently Asked Questions


Q: I returned a product using the return guarantee once, but I want to purchase the same product again. Can I buy it?
A: Yes, of course you can make a purchase. However, please note that this policy cannot be applied more than twice for the same product.

Q: I returned a product using the return guarantee once, but I want to purchase the same product again. Can I buy it?
A: Yes, of course you can make a purchase. However, please note that this policy cannot be applied more than twice for the same product.

Q: Does the 'Doctor's Choice 90-Day Return Guarantee' apply to products ordered through subscription purchases?
A: Yes. Even for subscription products, if the application for this policy is for the initial purchase of the product, it will be eligible under this policy.
[For details about our convenient and flexible subscription plans, click here.]

Q: What if I want to return products other than the Doctor's Choice brand items (such as ACON Blood Glucose Test Strips) purchased from Beauty and Health Research-operated or affiliated stores?
A: Products not part of the Doctor's Choice brand are not eligible for this policy. However, if they are unused and unopened, we accept returns within 7 days of the product's arrival. Please contact our Customer Center.