Privacy Policy

Private Policy

Doctor's Choice carefully selects high-quality, highly rated products and offers them to our customers based on our corporate philosophy of contributing to the health of everyone.
In order to continue to provide products and services that our customers can use with peace of mind, we have established this Privacy Policy in accordance with the enforcement of the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" and strive to properly manage and maintain the personal information of our customers.

1. Personal Information
We will collect your personal information in accordance with the law and by appropriate and fair means.

2. Purpose of use of personal information
We use personal information such as customer name, address, telephone number, date of birth, e-mail address, and transaction status for the following purposes.

1. To send products, catalogs, direct mailings, samples, counseling, after-sales service, new products, services, and other information in the mail order and storefront businesses of our company and our group companies.
2. To provide information on business activities, events, and stores related to the mail order business of the Company and its group companies, questionnaires, surveys, analysis, and other useful information related to daily life.
3. To send catalogs, samples, and other information from other companies that we deem appropriate.

3. Provision of Personal Information
The Company and its group companies will not provide or disclose personal information collected from customers to third parties. However, this does not apply to the following cases

When required by law, etc.
When we have obtained the prior approval or consent of the customer.
When providing personal information to our group companies for joint use within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose(s) of use specified to the customer.
When it is deemed necessary to protect the life, body, property, or other public interests of the customer or a third party, or for the benefit of the customer.
When our company or our group companies take over the business due to merger, spin-off, or business transfer, and personal information is transferred.
In the event that a customer fails to pay the purchase price of a product even after the payment due date has passed, the collection of the product price is entrusted to a debt collection agency for the purpose of collecting the product price, and the information of the delinquent customer is provided to such agency.

4. handling of cookies
Our website may send information called "cookies" or use this technology by our company, advertising companies to which we outsource our services, or other business partners.

Cookies are a mechanism that stores the usage history, input contents, etc. sent and received between the browser and the server as a file on the customer's computer when the web page is used. We use cookies for statistical analysis of access to our website and to improve the convenience of our services.

For example, when a customer logs in to an online sales site, the customer is asked to enter a login name and password. At this time, the web server writes data obtained by the server (an optional session ID) into a cookie and sends it to the customer's computer.

When the customer proceeds to another (next) page to make a purchase or complete other procedures after logging in, our web server refers to the transmitted cookie to identify the customer's computer. This allows you to shop, complete procedures, etc. smoothly.

The cookie function can be disabled by changing the cookie setting on the browser, but this may result in the customer not being able to use all or part of the services on the web page.

5. Outsourcing of Personal InformationWe may outsource our customers' personal information to outside contractors within the scope of achieving the purpose of use by our company and our group companies. In such cases, we will select a contractor that is deemed to handle personal information properly and will conclude a "confidentiality agreement" regarding personal information before outsourcing.

6. Disclosure, correction, and deletion of personal information
Upon request of the customer, we will inform the customer of the customer's personal information held by us. In such cases, after confirming the identity of the person making such a request, we will respond to the request promptly and in good faith, following the prescribed procedures. As a result, if there is any incorrect information, we will correct it promptly.

7. Discontinuation of Use or Provision of Personal Information
When we receive a request from a customer to discontinue the use or provision of his/her personal information, we will respond to the request in good faith and promptly after confirming the identity of the person making the request.

8. Management of Personal Information
When we receive a request from a customer to cease use or provision of his/her personal information, we will respond to the request sincerely and promptly after confirming the identity of the person making the request.
We will maintain the accuracy of your personal information and manage this information safely. We will also strive to prevent the loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage of customers' personal information, and will thoroughly manage and provide guidance on such matters.

9. Establishment, Implementation, Maintenance, and Improvement of Personal Information Protection Compliance Program
In order to implement this policy, we have established a compliance program for personal information protection, and will ensure that all of our employees and other related parties are fully aware of the program, implement it, maintain it, and continually improve it.